Site Sponsored By: New Frontier Drilling

Thank you New Frontier Drilling!  Also thanks to Foster for the inspiration, Mike for all the guidance, and to all of my co-workers and fellow professionals for your advice, input, and edits!

This is a platform for exploring and downloading Mining Claims, Plan, and Notice GIS data. Unpatented mining claims, plans and notices are presented in this map on a per quarter section basis for Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. THE QUARTER SECTION FABRIC HAS BEEN CALCULATED AND DOES NOT REPRESENT ACTUAL PLSS BOUNDARIES. THIS REPRESENTATION IS NEW AND THE DEVELOPER WOULD APPRECIATE FEEDBACK IF ANY MAJOR DISCREPANCIES ARE ENCOUNTERED. All maps are interactive with feature pop-ups designed to guide the user to the appropriate places to view data and run queries.  The user can also add their own data to the map.  This website is new and it is anticipated that it will be improved upon as time allows.  The developer is donating time to keep the site up and going, so updates will be as time allows, but it is our goal to update the data at least once a month. 

Please review the information icon in the map to read all disclosures and use limitations.

Data downloads and links to state data resources can be found towards the bottom of the page.  Each state has provided links to data or web applications thought to be most important for explorationists.

Click on the image above to enter the data download zone!
All data nd website updates are posted to my LinkedIn account. Click on the image above to be redirected to my profile.

Click on a state name to explore the data! All charts are interactive! 

CLICK HERE for a better mobile experience.

Mining Claim pulled from MLRS as of February 21, 2025

Plan & Notice pulled from MLRS as of February 21, 2025

ROW Data pulled from MLRS as of February 21, 2025

Active Mining Claims, Plans & Notices

To view the stand alone active mining claims web application CLICK HERE

Zoom in to your area of interest to start exploring.  You can change settings (visibility, turn layers on and off) for most layers by clicking on the layers icon (stacked squares) and clicking on the three dots to the right of the layer name.  Claims data for all states were pulled from MLRS on November 8, 2024. Plan and notice data was pulled from MLRS on October 17, 2024. To view redacted information in the MLRS system CLICK HERE to be taken to the BLM Public Reports page that where you can create an account.

Need help using this page?  CLICK HERE for help documentation.

Active Mining Claims; Solar, Wind, Transmission ROWs; and Surface Management Plans & Notices Comparative Map

To view an interactive web application which displays the Mining Claims; Surface Management  Plans and Notices; along with Wind, Solar and Electric Transmission Maps  CLICK HERE.  The user can zoom to any specific area and map panels will synchronize. There is a lot of data being presented in this application, so delays may occur. ROW data as of January 21, 2025

The C.H.I.M.E. Map

Claim Habitation Interactive Map Experience

We would like to thank Stephanie Mills and Mark Asendorf for the ideas and inspiration

CLICK HERE to view and interact with the C.H.I.M.E. web application.  This map is a spatial representation of claims density and fees paid through time, per section. The user can select on sections to see claim density and the sum of claim fees with a section, as well as view individual claim point data. Historic and current notice and plan data are also presented in the map along with the USGS MRDS and the USMIN mineral datasets within the given states.  This project is a work in progress, future updates and modifications are anticipated.   Please review the information icon or metadata to understand how the data was generated.





Contact Information

Lucia Patterson, MS CPG

Copyright 2021. NV Data Miner.